Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Oh, Skip It! I'll Just Sleep Here!

(She could pull up, but didn't know how to get down. She's almost 23 now. By the way—all that hair?—she's six months old right here.)


Diane said...

I often feel this way. :) Cute picture.

Susanne said...

Too cute! I love that they can just crash anywhere when they need some zzz's. Wish I could.

sobeit said...

That's too cute....I've been there! :)


Suzie said...

23 and she cant get down yet....hmmm ;)

Terri said...

She is really short! (and she was REALLY tired!) LOL!

Ryanne said...

If you were like I am you just took nap time when and however it came. Adorable!
happy ww

Anonymous said...

Awww, poor little thing. My little one fell asleep sitting up on the sofa today, binky in mouth.

Anonymous said...


She must be kindred spirits with our Preston.

Even the "Ever Ready Babies" sleep sometime. :D

What a little doll.
